Friday, July 13, 2007

Chicharron de Queso

I believe the best part of eating a grilled cheese sandwich is that little bit of cheese that seeps out from the sides and burns to a crisp. I usually save that piece for the very end, so I can finish off with a big cheesy crunch.

Mexicans, can now give me that crunch whenever i want. They call it Chicharron de Queso, which is like a fricco(small amounts of grated Parmesan melted to a crisp, for salads or garnishes), only that its made from the Mexican Manchego cheese. This cheese is similar in style and taste to that of Gouda, much different that the Spanish Manchego Cheese.

As its melted and converted into this crispy concoction the flavors of the cheese intensify. It's crunchy,salty and a bit tart, a hell of a good snack before some tacos, or after you've had a few....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever invented this just gave me something new to crave! DAMN YOUUU!